The Department’s Mission is to improve the lives of all Australians.
PM&C influences, coordinates and drives the Government’s agenda to achieve six main purposes:
- Growing our economy, incomes and creating jobs
- Vibrant and resilient regions
- Strengthening families and communities
- Enhancing Australia’s international and national security
- Governing well
- Preparing well to respond to critical issues.
We achieve this by delivering high-quality and timely advice to the Prime Minister, the Cabinet, and our Portfolio Ministers and Assistant Ministers. We draw upon the expertise of agencies in the APS, Australian jurisdictions and international partners, and we add unique value to these perspectives by leveraging our close understanding of the Prime Minister’s priorities, our whole-of-government perspective and the diverse skills and expertise of our people.
Our office is located within the Parliamentary Triangle in Canberra, with over 1,100 employees. Our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff work across our Divisions and are represented at the Senior Executive Service (SES), Executive Level (EL) and APS levels. To support our purpose, PM&C has outstanding people and we will continue to draw on the talent, experience and enthusiasm of our staff, and will endeavour to ensure that we have the right mix of talent, capacity and capability in place.
More information on the Department’s mission, operating context and our purposes can be found in the Corporate Plan 2020–24.