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Australian Government Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan


Action Deliverable Timeline Responsibility
12. Establish and maintain an effective RAP Working Group (RAPWG) to drive governance of the RAP. Maintain and encourage Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander representation on the RAPWG. July 2021
July 2022
Reconciliation Champion
Update the RAPWG’s Terms of Reference (ToR) and communicate the ToR to Members and all staff within PM&C. September 2021 Chief People Officer
Create ‘RAPWG Member Profile’ to provide guidance and support to Members in promoting and advising on reconciliation in their business areas. September 2021 Chief People Officer
RAPWG will meet at least six times per year to drive and monitor RAP implementation. Dates of meetings are set annually in January 2022 and 2023 Reconciliation Champion
13. Provide appropriate support for effective implementation of RAP commitments. Funded and supported by the People Branch, the RAPWG will work with Departmental divisions to ensure that RAP deliverables are assigned effectively. December 2021
June and December 2022
June 2023
Chief People Officer
Track and monitor RAP progress twice yearly, with the RAP updated to reflect progress. December 2021
June and December 2022
June 2023
Chief People Officer
Senior leaders and staff are engaged throughout RAP development and implementation. Our Reconciliation and Indigenous Champions provide leadership and guidance to colleagues and staff. December 2021
June and December 2022
June 2023
Reconciliation Champion
Build on and implement processes which monitor, track, measure and report on RAP commitments. August 2021 Chief People Officer
Maintain a Reconciliation Champion at the SES level to support and drive change. December 2021
December 2022
14. Build accountability and transparency through reporting RAP achievements, challenges and learnings both internally and externally. Participate in the annual RAP Impact Measurement Questionnaire to Reconciliation Australia. September 2021
September 2022
Chief People Officer
Develop appropriate reporting mechanisms to ensure that RAP progress is being communicated to staff and senior levels on RAP commitments. August 2021 Chief People Officer
RAP implementation is reported so that our achievements, challenges and learnings are seen by the community. December 2021
June and December 2022
June 2023
Communications Branch Assistant Secretary
Participate in Reconciliation Australia’s biennial Workplace RAP Barometer. April 2022 Chief People Officer
15. Continue our reconciliation journey by developing our next RAP. Analyse 2021–2023 RAP achievements against the current framework to elect the most appropriate RAP framework for the Department’s future reconciliation pathways. July 2022 Reconciliation Champion
Liaise with Reconciliation Australia to inform a new RAP, including informal feedback, and formal endorsement. October 2022 Chief People Officer