Action | Deliverable | Timeline | Responsibility |
12. Establish and maintain an effective RAP Working Group (RAPWG) to drive governance of the RAP. | Maintain and encourage Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander representation on the RAPWG. | July 2021 July 2022 |
Reconciliation Champion |
Update the RAPWG’s Terms of Reference (ToR) and communicate the ToR to Members and all staff within PM&C. | September 2021 | Chief People Officer | |
Create ‘RAPWG Member Profile’ to provide guidance and support to Members in promoting and advising on reconciliation in their business areas. | September 2021 | Chief People Officer | |
RAPWG will meet at least six times per year to drive and monitor RAP implementation. | Dates of meetings are set annually in January 2022 and 2023 | Reconciliation Champion | |
13. Provide appropriate support for effective implementation of RAP commitments. | Funded and supported by the People Branch, the RAPWG will work with Departmental divisions to ensure that RAP deliverables are assigned effectively. | December 2021 June and December 2022 June 2023 |
Chief People Officer |
Track and monitor RAP progress twice yearly, with the RAP updated to reflect progress. | December 2021 June and December 2022 June 2023 |
Chief People Officer | |
Senior leaders and staff are engaged throughout RAP development and implementation. Our Reconciliation and Indigenous Champions provide leadership and guidance to colleagues and staff. | December 2021 June and December 2022 June 2023 |
Reconciliation Champion | |
Build on and implement processes which monitor, track, measure and report on RAP commitments. | August 2021 | Chief People Officer | |
Maintain a Reconciliation Champion at the SES level to support and drive change. | December 2021 December 2022 |
Secretary | |
14. Build accountability and transparency through reporting RAP achievements, challenges and learnings both internally and externally. | Participate in the annual RAP Impact Measurement Questionnaire to Reconciliation Australia. | September 2021 September 2022 |
Chief People Officer |
Develop appropriate reporting mechanisms to ensure that RAP progress is being communicated to staff and senior levels on RAP commitments. | August 2021 | Chief People Officer | |
RAP implementation is reported so that our achievements, challenges and learnings are seen by the community. | December 2021 June and December 2022 June 2023 |
Communications Branch Assistant Secretary | |
Participate in Reconciliation Australia’s biennial Workplace RAP Barometer. | April 2022 | Chief People Officer | |
15. Continue our reconciliation journey by developing our next RAP. | Analyse 2021–2023 RAP achievements against the current framework to elect the most appropriate RAP framework for the Department’s future reconciliation pathways. | July 2022 | Reconciliation Champion |
Liaise with Reconciliation Australia to inform a new RAP, including informal feedback, and formal endorsement. | October 2022 | Chief People Officer |