The Innovate RAP July 2021–June 2023 allows PM&C to gain a deeper understanding of its sphere of influence, working with staff and stakeholders to establish, trial and test the best approaches to reconciliation through enthusiastic and innovative strategies. We will ensure the actions outlined within this Innovate RAP strengthen the building blocks of current reconciliation pathways paying respect to the maturity achieved from previous RAPs.
This RAP provides opportunities for PM&C to develop a refreshed vision for reconciliation. Our RAP deliverables pay respect to the truth telling and stories of the oldest living cultures in the world. We acknowledge the shared histories of First Nations cultures, and the resilient, dynamic and adaptive nature of its peoples who find themselves walking between two worlds.
The Innovate RAP July 2021–June 2023 is strongly aligned with the Commonwealth Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Workforce Strategy 2020–24 (the Strategy). We acknowledge PM&C’s actions and implementation pathways in response to the Strategy and our keen investment in our current and future Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff. Our RAP deliverables support the Department’s focus on the three key objectives of the Strategy: Cultural integrity; Career pathways; and Career development and advancement. By focussing on these objectives through culturally safe and supportive practices, PM&C aims to be an employer of choice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
PM&C’s Innovate RAP July 2021–June 2023 was developed through extensive engagement and consultation. These consultations included monthly RAP Working Group (RAPWG) meetings in the second half of 2020, and workshops between our RAPWG sub-groups, with each sub-group aligned with the three core pillars of reconciliation – relationships, respect and opportunities. The RAPWG’s work was informed by consultation with the Mara Network, the Department’s employee network for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff. Targeted consultation with line areas responsible for delivery of actions ensures buy-in and commitment to our actions, and all PM&C staff were invited to comment and contribute to our reconciliation deliverables.
PM&C considers all staff as leaders in the workplace, and will continue to provide learning and development opportunities to educate and raise awareness with all staff, including SES, on the effects of racism. Through this RAP, staff will be empowered to be advocates of and model anti-racist and anti-discriminatory behaviours and culture.
Monitoring and Reporting
PM&C is dedicated to advancing reconciliation. With our RAP being in digital format, we dedicate to review our progress and report against those items biannually in each year of the RAP, in December 2021, June and December 2022 and June 2023. We want our transparency with the community to demonstrate our commitment, efforts, lessons and achievements, and the pathways we are taking to advance the lives and experiences of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff and stakeholders.