PM&C is an active member of Supply Nation and holds regular meetings to explore opportunities to work with Indigenous suppliers. Procurement Team members regularly attend Supply Nation training, workshops, trade shows and webinars. By working with Supply Nation the Procurement Team is able to assist areas in searching for and identifying Indigenous suppliers capable of delivering the required services and achieving a value for money outcome.
In line with PM&C’s Indigenous Procurement Strategy, the Procurement Team encourages officers to consider engaging with First Nations suppliers outside of the mandatory Indigenous Procurement Policy (IPP) requirements.
In real terms this has resulted in PM&C entering into 145 contracts with Indigenous suppliers in the 2019–20 financial year, with a value of $11.79 million. This translates to 9.5% of the total number of PM&C contracts and 12% of the total value of PM&C contracts being awarded to Indigenous suppliers. These figures are far in excess of the required IPP targets.
PM&C is proud of its efforts in engaging and working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander suppliers to deliver value for money outcomes to assist in improving the lives of all Australians.