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Australian Government Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan

Children and young people deserve the same level of safety in an organisation regardless of where they are physically located in Australia, which organisation they engage with, or what their cultural heritage may be. Acting on feedback from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stakeholders, the National Office for Child Safety has commissioned SNAICC – National Voice for our Children to develop resources that support the culturally safe implementation of the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and organisations. The National Principles are ten high-level principles which set out a nationally consistent approach to creating organisational cultures and practices that promote the safety and wellbeing of children in Australia. To develop the resources, SNAICC have engaged with a range of organisations, including many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander interest groups and young people, to inform the development of these culturally safe resources.

In addition to informing the resources, these consultations have provided insight into how the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations translate in practice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and their communities, and what guidance is needed to further support these organisations. The resources are expected to be delivered in mid-2021.